Thursday, March 20, 2014

The little things

Sometimes it really is just the little things in life that can make your day.  Today was the international day of happiness and I really took my time to be mindful, and appreciate all that I have.

Today I did the littlest of tasks, one so insignificant most people would not even notice, but it changed my whole day.  I bought a new cosmetic bag.  

As you all know by now my love for cleaning is incomparable, and one thing that has always been on my list is to clean this mess.

It always gave me anxiety in searching for my makeup, and was always on my list, but never high up enough to actually do. And today I finally changed that and now my desk looks like this

It really was the most insignificant of purchases but set into a spiral effect of things I am grateful for and things that I am happy about.

I am grateful that buying a cosmetic bag is my biggest worry today.
I am grateful that I have enough money to purchase something as insignificant as a cosmetic bag without worry.
I am grateful for the life I have been given, and the life I have chosen to live.
... And because of all of this.

I am happy. 

Tell me: Has something so mundane ever given you such gratitude?

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


As I am still struggling to get through the end of my grad school, and only have a part-time job it's pretty obvious that I live at home with my parents.  There are many pro's and con's to living at home and today I stumbled upon a pretty great one. 

Spring Cleaning!

As a clinician I work with people to find their coping skills that can help them when they are feeling overwhelmed or stressed.  For me, cleaning has always been what I use to de-stress.   So when I am bored, or overwhelmed or stressed- I clean.  

Today during my cleaning spree I stumbled upon something amazing.  An old polaroid camera! As soon as I found it all cleaning stopped and my attention was on making this camera work! 

(I obviously started snapping pictures right away!)

Although I found the camera it wasn't working, so I will be spending some of my free time trying to fix it! Looks like I just found my second hobby.

Tell Me: What are some hidden gems you have uncovered during your spring cleaning?

Things I like

I have decided that from time to time I will provide a post where I put down websites I have come across that I find useful, interesting or fun. I think this is a great way to spread the word about great organizations, or websites as well as keep my own log of things I may want to revisit in the future.  I haven't decided if I want to do it weekly, monthly, bi-monthly or what, but I figure hey let's just write and see how it pans out.  So let's begin!

Monday, March 17, 2014

A new adventure

As long as I can remember I have wanted to help people.  Whether it was volunteering with a local agency, local event, or just listening to the story of others.  As much as I wanted to to help others, I also noticed since I was young that people confided stories and secrets in me.  I was always amazed at how strongly people trusted me.