Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Real Me

I was speaking with my roommate today and came to the conclusion that in my short (but sweet) 26 years of life I have gone through so many changes.

This revelation came in the form of a statement "it seems like you really relate to everyone."

I thought about this, and have thought over my life and how it seems that I have always been able to relate to others. What are the characteristics I have that make me a relate-able person?

 The answer came in two parts. The first part is that I am a genuine person.  When I am listening to someone, I listen.  When I hear a sad story, I get upset.  When something wonderful happens in your life, I am truly happy for you.  I try my hardest to have empathy in every situation, and work my best at being non-judgemental. 

The second part, which may be a little hard to understand, is that I have been through so many phases and been so many different people in my life.  At one point I was a nerd who only cared about school, one point a party girl, one point boy crazy, one point Emo, one point popular, one point anti-social. Any stereotype you can thing of I at one time transformed to fit that role. I have been a chameleon all my life. Becoming people who I wanted to be/thought I could be/was intrigued by. When I think about it though, this seems fitting. I'm in my twenties, the time where you are supposed to figure it out, get knocked down and start all over, keep trying until you figure it out.  At least that's what we have to keep telling ourselves or we'll never make it out alive.  If all else fails it was the plot for 'Friends'... And they all made it out alright.

Tell Me: What's left for you to figure out?  How do you find ways to continue to grow in this crazy world?

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